Components / Library Version 4.9.0

Action Menu

This component provides a dropdown menu of action items. When closed, it displays a text-only button, icon-only button, or a selector box. Selecting a menuitem completes the associated action and closes the menu. It should have at least one wm-menuitem component as a child.

After an action is executed make sure to properly handle focus for keyboard users.


** Required in certain cases

Properties of the parent element wm-action-menu

icon | text | selector | selector-primary
Indicates whether the anchoring button should be an icon, text, or style of selector box. Defaults to icon.

Properties for each Action Menu type:

tooltip: Required tooltip-position: Optional label-for-identical-buttons: SEE DETAILS BELOW disabled: Optional buttonText: Required disabled: Optional buttonText: Required disabled: Optional dark-mode: Optional buttonText: Required disabled: Optional tooltip-position: Optional
button-text **
Indicates the text to display for the text or selector action menu. Required when button-type is text or selector.
tooltip **
Indicates the text to display in the tooltip for the icon action menu. Required when button-type is icon. It should indicate the name or purpose of the menu.
Set dark mode for selector and selector-primary.
The selector menu can be disabled as a whole (rather than just individual menuitems).
Use only in this specific case:
If a page has several icon action menus with an identical tooltips, the aria-label of the button needs to include more descriptive information than the tooltip displayed. In that case, set this prop to the more descriptive name, and leave the tooltip prop unchanged.
top | bottom | left | right | top-left | top-right | bottom-left | bottom-right
Sets the position of the tooltip. Defaults to left. If there is not enough space to display the tooltip at the indicated position, the component will automatically reposition it.

Properties of the children elements wm-menuitem

Provides descriptive text for the menuitem. Description text has a character limit of 100 characters, and disallows use of the icon prop.
Disables the item.

A reference to a Material Design Icon. Adding this property will include an icon before the menuitem text. Optional.

Commonly used icons:

Icon Unicode

See the complete list on the Material Design Icon CDN Opens a new window . Use the icon name (without the mdi- prefix).

Usage in HTML

Edit the code below to see changes reflected in the example above.

Usage in Elm

Code generated from HTML.

Emitted when the menu has finished loading.


The "tooltip" property required for icon action menus ensures that the name or purpose of the menu is apparent on hover and announced by screenreaders.

Keyboard Support

Key Function
Down Arrow Space Enter Opens menu and moves focus to first menuitem.
Down Arrow Space Enter Opens menu and moves focus to last menuitem.
Key Function
  • Activates the menuitem, causing the "onclick" function passed to it to run.
  • Closes the menu.
  • Sets focus on the menu button.
  • Closes the menu.
  • Sets focus to the menu button.
Up Arrow
  • Moves focus to the previous menuitem.
  • If focus is on the first menuitem, moves focus to the last menuitem.
Down Arrow
  • Moves focus to the next menuitem.
  • If focus is on the last menuitem, moves focus to the first menuitem.
Home Moves focus to the first menuitem.
End Moves focus to the last menuitem.
A-Z a-z
  • Moves focus to the next menuitem with a label that starts with the typed character if such a menuitem exists.
  • Otherwise, focus does not move.
  • When a menuitem is clicked, an attribute is temporarily added to the body. The attribute is used to reapply focus when a new menu is loaded with updated menuitems.
  • Depending on context, screen readers may not announce the expanded state. This is normal behavior and does not constitutes an accessibility issue.