
Work In Progress Last updated: 7/11/24

Heads up - we’ll update this page before every sprint to showcase a preview of what you can expect to be delivered in the next release. Bookmark this page to quickly reference what’s coming up next!

Next Release Date

Thursday, August 1st

New Ripple 2.0 navigation

A brand new site architecture is coming!

Expected availability date: 8/1/24

Ripple Component Library v5

Products will need to include the tokens variables for the components to be properly styled.

Expected availability date: 8/1/24

Select a Date Range!

Research and design a new Date Range component.

Expected availability date: 8/1/24

In other news

  • Draft data visualization guidelines
  • Improve design pattern examples
  • Accessibility audit of components
  • Design accessibility guidelines page
  • Bar chart exploration for Met/Not Met

Got Questions about Work in Progress?

Slack us at #designsystem about functionality, roadmap, priority or requests.


Check out the Versions page to see what's included in each components, tokens and global styles release.