Work In Progress Last updated: 3/6/25
Heads up - we’ll update this page before every sprint to showcase a preview of what you can expect to be delivered in the next release. Bookmark this page to quickly reference what’s coming up next!
Create a drag and drop Uploader
Give your users drag and drop capabilities when uploading files.
Expected release date: 3/27/25

Host a Figma Dev Mode training workshop
Learn to take advantage of Figma's Dev Mode for an even smoother collaboration with designers.
Expected release date: 3/27/25

Allow the use of SVG icons in components
Add a property that allows users to use SVGs as icons.
Expected release date: 3/27/25
In other news
- Research flyout web component
- Research gudielines around links and actions in snackbars
- Update Bar 2 to include a 6th status
- Fix an issue in the File List Component where the filename doesn't take the correct amount of space
Got Questions about Work in Progress?
Slack us at #designsystem about functionality, roadmap, priority or requests.
Check out the Versions page to see what's included in each components, tokens and global styles release.